Axiell Sapphire

Axiell Sapphire is a browser-based add-on to the EMu Collections Management System. It is designed to provide access to your EMu database for the creation of new records and editing of existing records through custom-built forms. A Form is designed and constructed by authorized users around a workflow, capturing data, editing records, creating attachments, etc., with each Form providing access to a subset of fields.

Sapphire is designed to perform two broad functions:

  • Data Capture: Forms

    Forms are designed for a specific data capture purpose. A Form includes a subset of fields organized to capture a particular workflow (recording a new object, for instance).

    In a digitization project in a Natural History museum, for example, Forms would be tailored for the Herbarium digitization programme, the Palaeontology digitization programme, and so on, each one designed to capture data relevant to a particular discipline.

  • Data Cleansing: Editors

    Authorized staff are able to clean up / update data.

    Data Cleansing can be as basic as standardizing a value, i.e. replacing variations of a value with an approved value. A Sapphire Editor can also be used to create attachments. For example, during data entry a collector's name may have been captured from specimen labels and stored as text in a Catalogue record for the specimen; an Editor can be used to create an attachment from one or more Catalogue records to a Parties record for the collector.

Types of user

Three types of user are envisaged:

  1. Data Entry
  2. Programme Lead
  3. Manager

A user's type, which projects the user is assigned to, and which tools the user can access for each project are specified with a series of Registry entries. You will find details about how projects are created and made available to users here.

Project elements

A project typically comprises:

  • One or more Forms

    Forms are designed by Programme Leads for a specific data capture / editing purpose. A Form includes a subset of fields organized to capture a particular workflow (recording a new object, for instance).

  • Editors

    Editors can be provided for data cleansing / update and processing data. A project may have one or more Editors.

  • Statistics

    Graphs presenting various statistics, such as the progress of the current project.


  • Data Entry users are presented with Forms when they log in to Sapphire. If authorized, they may have access to one or more Editors.
  • Programme Leads are presented with the Form, Editor and Statistics configuration tools.

    It is the Programme Lead's responsibility to create projects, assign access permissions and make projects available to users.

  • Managers are presented with project statistics.