Multimedia module

The Multimedia module stores all multimedia resources used in EMu. EMu's extensive Digital Asset Management system (DAMS) is fully integrated so that any record, whether it is for an object in the Catalogue, a person in the Parties module, an event or a loan, can incorporate multimedia resources. EMu's DAMS complies with the Dublin Core Metadata Standard. The complete Dublin Core attribute set can be recorded for each multimedia resource.

Not only can EMu store any multimedia resource, it has the ability to show / play more than 100 image, video and audio formats.


Multimedia resources are registered with the Multimedia manager, which collects information such as:

  • Type of resource (image, audio, video, etc.)
  • Format of the resource (GIF, JPEG, AU, WAV, MPEG, etc.)
  • Source
  • Description
  • Creators and other contributors
  • Restrictions on the use of the resource

EMu can automatically generate derivative versions of an image to satisfy different requirements. For instance, EMu can create a thumbnail JPEG for browsing, an 800x600 PNG image for publication on the web, whilst maintaining the image in its original format and resolution.

EMu not only supports basic multimedia types (images, audio and video), but complex objects also (Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, etc.). Its multimedia support is also extensible: an external viewer can be associated with a multimedia type so that adding a new media format is as easy as installing the appropriate viewing application on your workstation.

If the multimedia resource is textual (and a suitable viewer is defined), the content of the document is fully indexed, thus enabling full text retrieval (see How to search attached documents for details).

The EMu Multimedia manager is a separate EMu module referenced by all other modules:

Multimedia relationships

For example, a Microsoft Word research document about an object in the Catalogue and a digital image of the object can be stored in the Multimedia module and associated with the object's record in the Catalogue. Similarly, a copy of a loan document in Microsoft Word format, and a scanned image of the document signatures, for verification purposes, can be associated directly with a loan. There is no limit to the number of multimedia resources that can be included with a record in any EMu module, nor the type of those resources. When the object or loan information is viewed, all associated multimedia resources are also available.

EMu's Multimedia repository can also be used to store multimedia resources that aren't specifically related to any collection record (e.g. minutes of meetings, planning papers).

When you access or view a multimedia resource it is downloaded and cached on your local PC. Multimedia resources can be viewed within EMu (on a module's Multimedia tab or in the Multimedia module itself) or via an external viewer: external viewers must be registered on your local PC to play the required multimedia formats.

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