Shortcut List Selected Registry entry
Records which Shortcut List is currently in use. (This is a System generated Registry entry.)

Selecting View>Shortcuts Settings>Show Shortcuts displays a list of fields and their values in a pane on the left side of a module window:
See Shortcuts View for details.
There can be one or many shortcut lists available in a module. The Shortcut List Selected Registry entry records which shortcut list is currently in use.
This Registry entry is assigned to users:
Key | User |
Key 1 | User
Key 2 | user |
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | table |
Key 5 | Shortcut List Selected
Value | title |

user | Table
table | Shortcut List Selected
title |
title |
corresponds to a title specified in a Shortcut List Registry entry that is accessible to the user. |
Note: This entry is created and maintained by the System when the View>Shortcuts Settings>Choose Shortcuts menu option is selected. There is no need to edit this Registry entry manually.
The following is a Shortcut List Selected entry for user emu
in the Parties module:
Key | Setting |
Key 1 | User
Key 2 |
Key 3 | Table
Key 4 | eparties
Key 5 | Shortcut List Selected
Value | Party Name