Report Selected Registry entry

Records which Report was last selected and run by a user in a module. This report will be selected by default when the user accesses the Reports box. (This Registry entry is generated by the System when a Report is selected from the Reports box.)


This Registry entry is assigned to users:

Key User
Key 1 User
Key 2 user
Key 3 Table
Key 4 table
Key 5 Report Selected
Value title



is a Report title specified in a Report Registry entry.


In this example, the last Parties report selected from the Reports box by user gerard is called List (A4). When user gerard next accesses the Reports box, the List (A4) report will be selected by default:

Key Setting
Key 1 User
Key 2 gerard
Key 3 Table
Key 4 eparties
Key 5 Report Selected
Value List (A4)