Colours | Maximum Size Registry entry

Specify the maximum file size of images (in kilobytes) for which the number of unique colors will be calculated when:

  • One or more images are added to the Multimedia repository


  • Selected records in the Multimedia repository are updated using the Update Resource command.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users, groups and system-wide:

Key User Group System
Key 1 User Group System
Key 2 user group Setting
Key 3 Setting Multimedia
Key 4 Multimedia Colours
Key 5 Colours Maximum Size
Key 6 Maximum Size  
Value value



is the maximum file size of images (in kilobytes) for which the number of colors will be calculated. Images greater in size than value will not have the number of colors calculated.


This entry will result in all files over 1 megabyte (1024 Kb) not having their number of unique colors value calculated:

Key Setting
Key 1 System
Key 2 Setting
Key 3 Multimedia
Key 4 Colours
Key 5 Maximum Size
Value 1024