EMu modules and how to work with them
In this section you will find a description of each
Tip: See The Ribbon for details of all commands available in a module.

In alphabetical order the
Module (click for details) |
Description |
Records information about how and when collection objects came into the institution's possession. |
Used to run administrative tasks, e.g. |
Records all (auditable) changes to a record. |
Records details about bibliographic references, e.g. books, journal articles. |
Records information about each item in the collection. This is the main module and heart of EMu and is typically tailored to an institution. |
Holds high level descriptive details about collections. A collection is very broadly any group of related or grouped items. |
Records information about the actual collection of an item, including date, time, site and expedition details. |
Records the physical condition of collection objects and how they need to be handled. |
Records details about how and when an object is to be treated so that it is conserved in the best condition possible. |
Records details about planned events, such as exhibitions. |
Records details about objects in an exhibition. When an object is attached to an Events record, an Exhibition Objects record is automatically created. |
Holds one record per set of export files produced. When a Scheduled Export is run a new Exports record is created containing the output of the export process. |
Records details about all fields in all modules in |
Records information concerning geographical location, including latitude and longitude. |
Used for the management of groups (of records). All of the functionality available from the Groups options on the Tools tab of the Ribbon is available, plus additional functionality (including the ability to create a dynamic Query group). |
Displays the |
Records details about insurers or indemnifying agencies, policy and cover details, renewal dates and details of any claims. |
Records the movement of collection items within an institution. |
Records details about objects loaned and borrowed by an institution. |
Records storage and display locations within an institution, e.g. building, floor, room, cabinet, shelf, box. |
Allows Lookup list entries to be edited or added. |
Records movements of collection items into and out of an institution. |
Stores all multimedia resources, e.g. images, videos, sound files. |
Records all types of information related to objects, e.g. labels for exhibits, interviews and correspondence. |
The Scheduled Operations module is for scheduling operations to be run immediately or at a specified date and time. |
Records the cultivation treatments for plants and seeds and propagation of plants via plant or root cuttings or seeds. |
Used to set up user access to different fields, modules and functions in |
Records object copyright, acknowledgements, rights and ownership details. |
Holds one record per Scheduled Export configured in a module and contains the definition of the export. |
Records details about sites from which items are collected. |
Contains records with computed statistical values. The Statistics facility allows statistical information to be generated on a regular basis (hourly, daily, weekly or monthly) and stored in the Statistics module for later use. |
Stores template information for a task or series of tasks that needs to be performed on a regular basis. |
Stores nomenclature (systematic taxonomic names). |
Stores one or more thesauri which may be used when describing objects. |
Records information about what was found in a trap on a given date. |
Records information about the types and locations of traps used by an institution to capture pests. |
Records object valuation details, including when and how often an object is to be valued and its valuation history. |
The management of a collection can involve a vast amount of information about collection objects / items, people and organisations, events, administration and more.
In EMu this information is stored in modules that are specific to the type of information. There is, for example:
- A Catalogue module that records information about each object in the collection.
- An Insurance module that records details about insurers or indemnifying agencies, policy and cover details, renewal dates and details of any claims.
- A Parties module that records details about all people and organisations involved in some way with your institution's collection. These organisations or individuals may have donated objects to the institution, may be conservators, transporters, exhibition organisers, or any number of other roles.
At EMu's core is a configurable multi-discipline Catalogue and surrounding the Catalogue is a suite of modules that supports all museum management functions. These modules can be grouped into two main categories:
- Catalogue support modules
These contain information that supplements a record in the Catalogue. The Parties module, which records details about the people and organisations with a connection to an institution's collection, and the Multimedia module, which holds images, video and audio resources, are examples of Catalogue support modules. - Collection Management modules
These hold information used in the management of objects in your collection. The Locations module, which records storage and display locations in your institution, and the Insurance module are examples of Collection Management modules.

Note: It is extremely unlikely that you will have access to all of the modules described in this section.
Note: As every institution is able to customise