The EMu Help

The EMu Help is a browser-based help tool that operates like a modern, responsive website (adapting to the device on which it is viewed), with side navigation (or slide-out menu on smaller screens) and a powerful search utility.

When working with EMu this Online Help can be accessed in several ways:

  • Click the Help button in the Command Center to open the EMu Help in your device's default web browser.
  • Alternatively, select File>Help in the Ribbon of any open module.

Keep in mind

EMu is a customizable system and can be tailored to the requirements of any institution that adopts it.

As a result, each implementation of EMu may differ. In this documentation a generic version of EMu is used. Although you may find that the screenshots do not match your implementation of EMu in all details (field, tab or module names may differ for instance), the techniques demonstrated in this documentation are relevant to all EMu systems.

Also keep in mind that there are often several ways to accomplish a task in EMu. For instance, a new record can be created by clicking New Record on the Home tab, by selecting File>New Record in a module Ribbon, or by using the keyboard shortcut, CTRL+N. The first time a process is documented in this Help, every method to complete it is given. Thereafter only one method is given (we don't list every method to create a new record every time a process instructs you to create a new record). Be aware that there are often several ways to accomplish the same task.