Example 5: Atomic Reference
This example demonstrates how to specify an attachment to another record. The import data specifies a record in the Loans module that attaches to a Parties record (the borrower).
This example also specifies a table (Business Telephone Number) in the Parties module.
The fields loaded are:
Fields |
Back-end name |
Loan Direction | InfDirection
Loan Purpose | InfLoanPurpose
Commencement Date | DatLoanCommencementDate
Due Date | DatLoanDueDate
Borrower/Lender | InfBorrowerLenderRef
The attachment field in the Loans module is Borrower/Lender: (Loan Details):
If we check the Field Level information for this field, the following displays:
The back-end name is InfBorrowerLender, but when specifying an attachment field we use its Link name: InfBorrowerLenderRef.