How to delete and discard records
Deleting and discarding records have very different consequences:
- When a record is deleted from a group of records, it is removed from the database.
- When a record is discarded from a group of records, it is only removed from the current result set. It is not removed (deleted) from the database.
How to discard a record
- Select the record(s) to discard.
- From the module Ribbon, select either:
- File>Discard>Current Record (
) to discard the currentrecord.
File> Discard>Selected Records to discard the selected
- Click Yes to proceed with the discard.
Note: Discarded records are only removed from the current list of records. They are not deleted from the database and can be located and displayed again with a search.
A warning message displays.
How to delete a record
- Select the record(s) to delete.
- From the module Ribbon, select either:
- File>Delete>Current Record to delete the current
- File>Delete>Selected Records to delete the selected
- Select Yes to proceed with the delete.
Note: If a record to be deleted is a target
record (another record has made an attachment to it), you will be unable to delete the record without first removing the link in the primary
record. For example, if a Catalogue record made an attachment to a Parties record, you must remove the attachment in the Catalogue record before you can delete the Parties record.
A warning message displays.