How to use the Import tool

In the module in which records are to be imported:

  1. On the Tools tab of the Ribbon select Import.

    The Select File To Import (or similarly named) box will open allowing you to locate the file that contains the data to be imported.

  2. Locate and select the import file and click Open to commence the Import Wizard.

    EMu will attempt to identify the file type and encoding used by the import file; if there is any ambiguity, the Import Wizard will open with a screen that asks you to confirm the import file type and / or encoding:

    Import Wizard Confirm file type

    If there is no ambiguity, this screen will be skipped.

    Note: If the encoding used in the file is not supported by EMu, you will be unable to proceed with the import.
    The presence of a BOM (Byte Order Mark) in the file typically means that the encoding will be identified.

  3. Click Next to continue.

    The Import Type screen opens:

    Import Type

    The default option is Typical. Accept this option to import data using the following default import settings:

    • Format and data validation is performed (see Validate Data screen for details).
    • If a record in the data file attaches to another record (see Attachments screen for details):
      • A search is performed of all existing records in the EMu database, which includes any records that have been created so far during the current import.

        Note: Records in the import data file are processed sequentially: if record 5 attaches to record 6, no attachment will be made during the import as record 6 has not been created when record 5 is processed.

      • If no match is found, a new record is added for the referenced record.
      • If one record is found, an attachment is made to that record.
      • If more than one match is found, the matching records are displayed so that the correct record can be selected manually.
    • All records are imported (see Records screen for details).
    • A minimal log is generated containing setup options, results and a list of errors if any occur (see Report screen for details).
  4. Accept the Typical option


    Select the Custom radio button to change the import settings.

  5. Click Next to continue.

Read on for details about a: