Multimedia Registry entries
Colours | Maximum Size Registry entry
A Convert Registry entry defines how a document is converted from one format to another when a document is added to the Multimedia repository. The Documents Registry entry enables the conversion for a user / group (or system-wide).
Identifier Format Registry entry
Specify a naming convention for multimedia files added to the multimedia repository.
Image File Extension Registry entry
Specify the default file type, compression and quality for all images scanned using a twain device, and whether these values may be changed at the time of scanning.
Images | Default Registry entry
Specify the maximum size of images to display to a user by default. Size is either file size in kilobytes or width and height in pixels.
Images | Include/Exclude Registry entries
Specify image formats to include in / exclude from the list of image formats available in EMu.
Specify the maximum size of media that users are able to access in EMu. Size is either file size in kilobytes or, for images, width and height in pixels. This Registry entry replaces the now defunct Maximum Viewer Registry entry.
Specify what metadata is copied from a master image to any derived images (resolutions) stored in EMu.
Metadata|Extract Registry entry
Specify what metadata is extracted from an image and stored in EMu.
Multimedia | Operations Registry entry
Assign permissions to users / groups for managing image resolutions and document formats.
Specify multimedia print layouts.
Specify partitions for the Multimedia Repository and group access to the partitions.
Specify what resolutions are automatically generated when an image is added to a Multimedia record.
ServerMediaPath Registry entry
Specify the location for multimedia files on the server.
Set | Property (Resolution) Registry entry
Specify extra (perhaps missing) properties in the metadata of a master image in order to generate a resolution with those properties. The properties become part of the resolution's metadata and are not stored in the master image.
Thumbnail | Quality Registry entry
Specify the compression quality of thumbnails generated when adding images to the Multimedia module.