Lat/Long Display tab

Note: Although the screenshots used in this section are for the Sites module, the same geo-referencing tabs are implemented in the Collection Events module, and the description applies equally to Sites and Collection Events.

Geo-referencing information is stored on the Lat/Long tab, which has been designed to contain all locality co-ordinate information and associated error values:


The Lat/Long tab is divided into two linked areas:

  • The Latitude/Longitude Details group of fields at the top of the tab.
  • The Latitude/Longitude List grid at the bottom of the tab.

As with other linked grids in EMu, data displaying in the Latitude/Longitude Details group of fields at the top of the tab depends on the row selected in the Latitude/Longitude List grid at the bottom of the tab: selecting a different row in the Latitude/Longitude List grid, displays a different set of values (opinion) in the Latitude Longitude Details group of fields.

Each row in the Latitude/Longitude List grid represents an opinion on the locality. For each opinion a set of latitude and longitude values can be defined. The Latitude/Longitude table located at the very top of the tab allows multiple points to be entered, with each point added as a row in the table. A single point specifies an exact location, while two points (generally) represent a line, three points represent a triangle and four a quadrilateral, etc.