The International Press Telecommunications Council released a metadata standard in 1990 that was to allow contextual information to be embedded within press photographs. The standard became known as the IPTC standard. IPTC focuses on information about the subject of the image rather than its physical attributes, thus it contains information such as keywords, copyright statements, location details and subject of the image. In general, the IPTC information is as relevant to any image derivative as to the master image.
IPTC metadata is stored in a similar format to that used for EXIF. IPTC has the concept of a broad category of attributes, known as a Record. Within a record a series of tags is used to specify individual attributes. IPTC defines nine Record values, however only 6 are used by images:
- Envelope (Envelope)
- Application (Application)
- News Photo (NewsPhoto)
- Pre Object Data (PreObjectData)
- Object Data (ObjectData)
- Post Object Data (PostObjectData)
As with EXIF the combination of a Record and Tag defines an individual attribute. The Record:Tag notation is used. Unlike EXIF however, IPTC does allow for repeat attributes, so attribute 2:25 (which is the keywords tag) may appear multiple times if more than one keyword is defined.
The tables below describe what tags are available on a Record basis. For a complete description of the values available for a given attribute, please consult the IPTC IMM Specification.

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
0 |
EnvelopeRecordVersion |
5 |
Destination |
20 |
FileFormat |
0 = No ObjectData 1 = IPTC-NAA Digital Newsphoto Parameter Record 2 = IPTC7901 Recommended Message Format 3 = Tagged Image File Format (Adobe/Aldus Image data) 4 = Illustrator (Adobe Graphics data) 5 = AppleSingle (Apple Computer Inc) 6 = NAA 89-3 (ANPA 1312) 7 = MacBinary II 8 = IPTC Unstructured Character Oriented File Format (UCOFF) 9 = United Press International ANPA 1312 variant 10 = United Press International Down-Load Message 11 = JPEG File Interchange (JFIF) 12 = Photo-CD Image-Pac (Eastman Kodak) 13 = Bit Mapped Graphics File [.BMP] (Microsoft) 14 = Digital Audio File [.WAV] (Microsoft & Creative Labs) 15 = Audio plus Moving Video [.AVI] (Microsoft) 16 = PC DOS/Windows Executable Files [.COM][.EXE] 17 = Compressed Binary File [.ZIP] (PKWare Inc) 18 = Audio Interchange File Format AIFF (Apple Computer Inc) 19 = RIFF Wave (Microsoft Corporation) 20 = Freehand (Macromedia/Aldus) 21 = Hypertext Markup Language [.HTML] (The Internet Society) 22 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 (Musicom), ISO/IEC 23 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 3, ISO/IEC 24 = Portable Document File [.PDF] Adobe 25 = News Industry Text Format (NITF) 26 = Tape Archive [.TAR] 27 = Tidningarnas Telegrambyra NITF version (TTNITF DTD) 28 = Ritzaus Bureau NITF version (RBNITF DTD) 29 = Corel Draw [.CDR] |
22 |
FileVersion |
30 |
ServiceIdentifier |
40 |
EnvelopeNumber |
50 |
ProductID |
60 |
EnvelopePriority |
70 |
DateSent |
80 |
TimeSent |
90 |
CodedCharacterSet |
(values are entered in the form "ESC X Y[, ...]". The escape sequence for UTF-8 character coding is "ESC % G", but this is displayed as "UTF8" for convenience. Either string may be used when writing. The value of this tag affects the decoding of string values in the Application and NewsPhoto records) |
100 |
UniqueObjectName |
120 |
ARMIdentifier |
122 |
ARMVersion |

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
0 |
ApplicationRecordVersion |
3 |
ObjectTypeReference |
4 |
ObjectAttributeReference |
5 |
ObjectName |
7 |
EditStatus |
8 |
EditorialUpdate |
10 |
Urgency |
12 |
SubjectReference |
15 |
Category |
20 |
SupplementalCategories |
22 |
FixtureIdentifier |
25 |
Keywords |
26 |
ContentLocationCode |
27 |
ContentLocationName |
30 |
ReleaseDate |
35 |
ReleaseTime |
37 |
ExpirationDate |
38 |
ExpirationTime |
40 |
SpecialInstructions |
42 |
ActionAdvised |
01 = Object Kill 02 = Object Replace 03 = Ojbect Append 04 = Object Reference |
45 |
ReferenceService |
47 |
ReferenceDate |
50 |
ReferenceNumber |
55 |
DateCreated |
60 |
TimeCreated |
62 |
DigitalCreationDate |
63 |
DigitalCreationTime |
65 |
OriginatingProgram |
70 |
ProgramVersion |
75 |
ObjectCycle |
'a' = Morning 'b' = Both Morning and Evening 'p' = Evening |
80 |
By-line |
85 |
By-lineTitle |
90 |
City |
92 |
Sub-location |
95 |
Province-State |
100 |
Country-PrimaryLocationCode |
101 |
Country-PrimaryLocationName |
103 |
OriginalTransmissionReference |
105 |
Headline |
110 |
Credit |
115 |
Source |
116 |
CopyrightNotice |
118 |
Contact |
120 |
Caption-Abstract |
121 |
LocalCaption |
122 |
Writer-Editor |
125 |
RasterizedCaption |
130 |
ImageType |
131 |
ImageOrientation |
'L' = Landscape 'P' = Portrait 'S' = Square |
135 |
LanguageIdentifier |
150 |
AudioType |
'0T' = Text Only '1A' = Mono Actuality '1C' = Mono Question and Answer Session '1M' = Mono Music '1Q' = Mono Response to a Question '1R' = Mono Raw Sound '1S' = Mono Scener '1V' = Mono Voicer '1W' = Mono Wrap '2A' = Stereo Actuality '2C' = Stereo Question and Answer Session '2M' = Stereo Music '2Q' = Stereo Response to a Question '2R' = Stereo Raw Sound '2S' = Stereo Scener '2V' = Stereo Voicer '2W' = Stereo Wrap |
151 |
AudioSamplingRate |
152 |
AudioSamplingResolution |
153 |
AudioDuration |
154 |
AudioOutcue |
184 |
JobID |
185 |
MasterDocumentID |
186 |
ShortDocumentID |
187 |
UniqueDocumentID |
188 |
OwnerID |
200 |
ObjectPreviewFileFormat |
0 = No ObjectData 1 = IPTC-NAA Digital Newsphoto Parameter Record 2 = IPTC7901 Recommended Message Format 3 = Tagged Image File Format (Adobe/Aldus Image data) 4 = Illustrator (Adobe Graphics data) 5 = AppleSingle (Apple Computer Inc) 6 = NAA 89-3 (ANPA 1312) 7 = MacBinary II 8 = IPTC Unstructured Character Oriented File Format (UCOFF) 9 = United Press International ANPA 1312 variant 10 = United Press International Down-Load Message 11 = JPEG File Interchange (JFIF) 12 = Photo-CD Image-Pac (Eastman Kodak) 13 = Bit Mapped Graphics File [.BMP] (Microsoft) 14 = Digital Audio File [.WAV] (Microsoft & Creative Labs) 15 = Audio plus Moving Video [.AVI] (Microsoft) 16 = PC DOS/Windows Executable Files [.COM][.EXE] 17 = Compressed Binary File [.ZIP] (PKWare Inc) 18 = Audio Interchange File Format AIFF (Apple Computer Inc) 19 = RIFF Wave (Microsoft Corporation) 20 = Freehand (Macromedia/Aldus) 21 = Hypertext Markup Language [.HTML] (The Internet Society) 22 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 (Musicom), ISO/IEC 23 = MPEG 2 Audio Layer 3, ISO/IEC 24 = Portable Document File [.PDF] Adobe 25 = News Industry Text Format (NITF) 26 = Tape Archive [.TAR] 27 = Tidningarnas Telegrambyra NITF version (TTNITF DTD) 28 = Ritzaus Bureau NITF version (RBNITF DTD) 29 = Corel Draw [.CDR] |
201 |
ObjectPreviewFileVersion |
202 |
ObjectPreviewData |
225 |
ClassifyState |
228 |
SimilarityIndex |
230 |
DocumentNotes |
231 |
DocumentHistory |
232 |
ExifCameraInfo |

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
0 |
NewsPhotoVersion |
10 |
IPTCPictureNumber |
(4 numbers: 1-Manufacturer ID, 2-Equipment ID, 3-Date, 4-Sequence) |
20 |
IPTCImageWidth |
30 |
IPTCImageHeight |
40 |
IPTCPixelWidth |
50 |
IPTCPixelHeight |
55 |
SupplementalType |
0 = Main Image 1 = Reduced Resolution Image 2 = Logo 3 = Rasterized Caption |
60 |
ColorRepresentation |
0x0 = No Image, Single Frame 0x100 = Monochrome, Single Frame 0x300 = 3 Components, Single Frame 0x301 = 3 Components, Frame Sequential in Multiple Objects 0x302 = 3 Components, Frame Sequential in One Object 0x303 = 3 Components, Line Sequential 0x304 = 3 Components, Pixel Sequential 0x305 = 3 Components, Special Interleaving 0x400 = 4 Components, Single Frame 0x401 = 4 Components, Frame Sequential in Multiple Objects 0x402 = 4 Components, Frame Sequential in One Object 0x403 = 4 Components, Line Sequential 0x404 = 4 Components, Pixel Sequential 0x405 = 4 Components, Special Interleaving |
64 |
InterchangeColorSpace |
1 = X,Y,Z CIE 2 = RGB SMPTE 3 = Y,U,V (K) (D65) 4 = RGB Device Dependent 5 = CMY (K) Device Dependent 6 = Lab (K) CIE 7 = YCbCr 8 = sRGB |
65 |
ColorSequence |
66 |
ICC_Profile |
70 |
ColorCalibrationMatrix |
80 |
LookupTable |
84 |
NumIndexEntries |
85 |
ColorPalette |
86 |
IPTCBitsPerSample |
90 |
SampleStructure |
0 = OrthogonalConstangSampling 1 = Orthogonal4-2-2Sampling 2 = CompressionDependent |
100 |
ScanningDirection |
0 = L-R, Top-Bottom 1 = R-L, Top-Bottom 2 = L-R, Bottom-Top 3 = R-L, Bottom-Top 4 = Top-Bottom, L-R 5 = Bottom-Top, L-R 6 = Top-Bottom, R-L 7 = Bottom-Top, R-L |
102 |
IPTCImageRotation |
0 = 0 1 = 90 2 = 180 3 = 270 |
110 |
DataCompressionMethod |
120 |
QuantizationMethod |
0 = Linear Reflectance/Transmittance 1 = Linear Density 2 = IPTC Ref B 3 = Linear Dot Percent 4 = AP Domestic Analogue 5 = Compression Method Specific 6 = Colour Space Specific 7 = Gamma Compensated |
125 |
EndPoints |
130 |
ExcursionTolerance |
0 = Not Allowed 1 = Allowed |
135 |
BitsPerComponent |
140 |
MaximumDensityRange |
145 |
GammaCompensatedValue |

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
10 |
SizeMode |
0 = Size Not Known 1 = Size Known |
20 |
MaxSubfileSize |
90 |
ObjectSizeAnnounced |
95 |
MaximumObjectSize |

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
10 |
SubFile |

Tag ID |
Tag Name |
Values / Notes |
10 |
ConfirmedObjectSize |