Widget based reports
Several EMu PC client reports have been developed that display data using web pages. These pages use IMu widget components.
This page is to assist staff needing to set up such reports for a customer.
Note: This documentation may better belong with the standard EMu install documentation rather than in the IMu documentation because the reports are not 'widgets' themselves. They however have been built out using widgets and for the time being this documentation is being placed here until (or if) a better spot can be made.

- Ensure the back-end EMu system has been installed and configured (see Server).
- Ensure that the back-end IMu server load is running:
emuload restart imu
- Ensure the correct Registry entries are in place. Typically they will be:
System|Setting|Reports|Name|IMuMap|IMu Map Report System|Setting|Reports|Extension|IMuMap|.html System|Setting|Reports|Filter|IMuMap|webreporter http://SERVER/PATH/reports/map/map-report.html System|Setting|Reports|Action|IMuMap|Launch Temp %1 Group|Default|Table|ecatalogue|Report|Map Report|IMuMap#irn##-1##
NB the URL to the map-report in
will need to correspond to the IMu web setup on the appropriate web server and will be local site specific (see step 8 below). - Install an appropriate IMu WF release onto a web server (see Setting Up).
- Configure the IMu release (see Configuration).
- Ignore this step for client release installs. If however you are setting
this up in an Axiell development environment you may need to generate the correct
Javascript file. To do this, on the web server, from the command line,
to the releases~/imu
directory. Then run:php imu.php
This is normally a one-off step. Once done it doesn't need to be repeated once the development system in installed and working.
- Confirm IMu is running properly by using a browser to go to the IMu test
page at:
It should display a simple map. You should be able to search from this page for catalogue items to map. They should be displayed on the map.
- The map report URL needs to be determined and set in the EMu Registry.
The default map report
The default map report is accessible in the release at:
Where a customer has a customized map report
The map report (typically) will be located at:
You will need to determine the server and actual path components of a URL that can access this page. This value needs to be set in the EMu Registry entry.
For example, if this path corresponds to:
the Registry entry should be set to:
- Test:
- In the EMu client, search for specimens to map in Catalogue.
- The EMu Report IMu Map Report should be available, report on all items.
- This should result in a browser window or tab being opened to a map that displays the specimens.

The procedure is similar to the map report however Locator reports require specific configuration for each customer because they use customer specific site maps. The instructions below are for the demo museum system. Specific customer installation will be similar except the path to the report will be in:
imu/shared/client/reports/locator *NOT* imu/shared/common/reports/locator
- Ensure the back-end EMu system has been installed and configured (see Server).
- Ensure that the back-end IMu server load is running:
emuload restart imu
Ensure the correct Registry entries are in place. Typically they will be:
System|Setting|Reports|Name|IMuLocator|IMu Locator Report System|Setting|Reports|Extension|IMuLocator|.html System|Setting|Reports|Filter|IMuLocator|webreporter http://SERVER/PATH/reports/map/map-report.html System|Setting|Reports|Action|IMuLocator|Launch Temp %1 Group|Default|Table|ecatalogue|Report|Locator Report|IMuLocator#irn##-1##
NB the URL to the map-report in
will need to correspond to the IMu web setup on the appropriate web server and will be local site specific (see step 8 below). - Install an appropriate IMu WF release onto a web server (see Setting Up).
- Configure the IMu release (see Configuration).
- Ignore this step for client release installs. If however you are setting
this up in an Axiell development environment you may need to generate the correct
Javascript file. To do this, on the web server, from the command line,
to the releases~/imu
directory. Then run:php imu.php
This is normally a one-off step. Once done it doesn't need to be repeated once the development system in installed and working.
- Confirm IMu is running properly by using a browser to go to the IMu test
page at:
It should display a simple site plan. You should be able to search from this page for catalogue items to display. They should be displayed on the plan in positions corresponding to the location recorded in EMu.
- The locator report URL needs to be determined and set in the EMu Registry.
The instructions below assume you are installing the museum demo system
default locator report.
The default locator report is accessible in the release at:
You will need to determine the server and actual path components of a URL that can access this page. This value needs to be set in the EMu Registry entry.
For example, if this path corresponds to:
the Registry entry should be set to:
- Test:
- In the EMu client, search for specimens to display in catalogue.
- The EMu Report IMu Locator Report should be available, report on all items.
- This should result in a browser window or tab being opened to a plan that displays the specimens.

The procedure is similar to the Locator report procedure. Like the Locator, IPM reports require specific configuration for each customer because they use customer specific site maps. The instructions below are for the demo museum system. Specific customer installation will be similar except the path to the report will be in:
imu/shared/client/reports/ipm *NOT* imu/shared/common/reports/ipm
- Ensure the back-end EMu system has been installed and configured (see Server).
- Ensure that the back-end IMu server load is running:
emuload restart imu
- Ensure the correct registry entries are in place. Typically they will be:
System|Setting|Reports|Name|IMuIPM|IMu IPM Report System|Setting|Reports|Extension|IMuIPM|.html System|Setting|Reports|Filter|IMuIPM|webreporter http://SERVER/PATH/reports/map/map-report.html System|Setting|Reports|Action|IMuIPM|Launch Temp %1 Group|Default|Table|etrapevents|Report|IPM Report|IMuIPM#irn##-1##
NB the URL to the map-report in
will need to correspond to the IMu web setup on the appropriate web server and will be local site specific (see step 8 below). - Install an appropriate IMu WF release onto a web server (see Setting Up).
- Configure the IMu release (see Configuration).
Temporarily you will need to set some extra values in the
file. This should soon be no longer required as the values are planned to be moved to a common file that will be installed by default. The settings to add are:$config['include-modules'][] = 'etrapevents'; $config['search-aliases']['keywords']['etrapevents'] = array ( 'SummaryData', 'TraSpecies_tab', 'TraLatinName_tab', 'TraCommonName_tab', 'TraEcoType_tab', 'TraLifeStage_tab', ); $config['fetch-sets']['ipm']['etrapevents'] = array ( 'irn', 'SummaryData', 'multimedia', 'x=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationX', 'y=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationY', 'z=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationZ', 'Trap=TraTrapRef.SummaryData', 'TrapLocation=TraLocationRef.SummaryData', 'DateChecked=TraDateChecked', 'TotalCount=TraTotalCount', 'TotalNonPestCount=TraTotalNonpest', 'TotalPestCount=TraTotalPest', 'TrapCount=TraCount_tab', 'Species=TraSpecies_tab', 'ScientificName=TraLatinName_tab', 'CommonName=TraCommonName_tab', 'EcologicalType=TraEcoType_tab', 'LifeStage=TraLifeStage_tab', 'DateInserted=AdmDateInserted', 'DateModified=AdmDateModified' ); $config['include-modules'][] = 'etraps'; $config['fetch-sets']['ipm']['etraps'] = array ( 'irn', 'SummaryData', 'multimedia', 'x=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationX', 'y=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationY', 'z=TraLocationRef.PhyLocationZ', 'TrapType=TraType' );
- Ignore this step for client release installs. If however you are setting
this up in an Axiell development environment you may need to generate the correct
Javascript file. To do this, on the web server, from the command line,
to the releases~/imu
directory. Then run:php imu.php
This is normally a one-off step. Once done it doesn't need to be repeated once the development system in installed and working.
- Confirm IMu is running properly by using a browser to go to the IMu test
page at:
It should display a simple site plan. It should plot some trap event data. (The plotting of points depends on having suitable trap event data in EMu.)
- The IPM report URL needs to be determined and set in the EMu Registry.
The instructions below assume you are installing the museum demo system
default IPM report.
The default IPM report is accessible in the release at:
You will need to determine the server and actual path components of a URL that can access this page. This value needs to be set in the EMu Registry entry.
For example, if this path corresponds to:
the Registry entry should be set to:
- Test:
- In the EMu client, search for trap events to display.
- The EMu Report IMu Pest Report should be available, report on all items.
- This should result in a browser window or tab being opened to a plan that displays the trapped items.